


Sake café Syusenkan

Syusenkan is located in the Sakagura street in Saijo. There are more than 20 kinds of sake available for drink and compare.
In addition to sake we have very original fruit cakes, sake buns made with sake, or coffee or matcha tea made with the water used to make sake. There are also limited items that can only be found at Syusenkan.
During your tour in the Capital of sake, enjoy a relaxing time with us.

Sake Library

A library where you can find a plenty of books related to sake. This is the ideal place to enjoy a cup of tea and read about sake.

Sake Shop

Find in our sake shop Kamoizumi’s lineup and some limited sake that can only be bought here. All the newest information about Kamoizumi arrivals can be obtained here.

We are open

  • Every Saturday, Sunday and holidays (except Japanese Obon and New Year holidays)
  • Business hours : 10:00 to 17:00
  • TEL : +81 (0)82-423-2021